JCMT refereed publication list for 1994
No. of Articles: 68 (last updated 7 May 2014)
- Avery, L. W. & 7 authors
"Submillimeter molecular line observations of IRC +10216: Searches for MgH, SiH2, and HCO(+), and detection of hot HCN"
ApJ, 426, 737 (13 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Baas, F., Israel, F. P. & Koornneef, J.
"Molecules in the starburst galaxy Henize 2-10"
A&A, 284, 403 (23 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Blake, Geoffrey A., van Dishoeck, Ewine F., Jansen, David J., Groesbeck, T. D. & Mundy, Lee G.
"Molecular abundances and low-mass star formation. 1: Si- and S-bearing species toward IRAS 16293-2422"
ApJ, 428, 680 (93 refereed citations) (107 total citations)
- Bloom, Steven D., Marscher, Alan P., Gear, Walter K., Terasranta, Harri, Valtaoja, Esko, Aller, Hugh D. & Aller, Margo F.
"Radio, millimeter-submillimeter, and infrared spectra of flat-spectrum extragalactic radio sources"
AJ, 108, 398 (47 refereed citations) (50 total citations)
- Bockelee-Morvan, D., Padman, R., Davies, J. K. & Crosivier, J.
"Observations of submillimeter lines of CH3OH, HCN, and H2CO in comet P/Swift-Tuttle with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope"
P&SS, 42, 655 (22 refereed citations) (27 total citations)
- Braun, Robert, Walterbos, Rene A. M., Kennicutt, Robert C., Jr. & Tacconi, Linda J.
"Counterrotating gaseous disks in NGC 4826"
ApJ, 420, 558 (64 refereed citations) (71 total citations)
- Davis, C. J., Dent, W. R. F., Matthews, H. E., Aspin, C. & Lightfoot, J. F.
"Submillimetre and Near Infrared Observations of L:1448 - a Curving H/2 Jet with Multiple Bow Shocks"
MNRAS, 266, 933 (37 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
- Devereux, Nicholas, Taniguchi, Yoshiaki, Sanders, D. B., Nakai, N. & Young, J. S.
"(12)CO (3-2) & (1-0) emission line observations of nearby starburst galaxy nuclei"
AJ, 107, 2006 (66 refereed citations) (68 total citations)
- Dunlop, James S., Hughes, David H., Rawlings, Steve, Eales, Stephen A. & Ward, Martin J.
"Detection of a large mass of dust in a radio galaxy at redshift z = 3.8"
Nature, 370, 347 (105 refereed citations) (127 total citations)
- Gear, W. K. & 9 authors
"A Comparison of the Radio / Submillimetre Spectra of Bl-Lacertae Objects and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars"
MNRAS, 267, 167 (79 refereed citations) (89 total citations)
- Greaves, J. S., Murray, A. G. & Holland, W. S.
"Investigating the magnetic field structure around star formation cores"
A&A, 284, 19 (32 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
- Harris, A. I., Schuster, K.-F., Genzel, R., Plathner, B. & Gundlach, K.-H.
"FANATIC: an SIS radiometer for radio astronomy from 660 to 695 GHz"
IJIMW, 15, 1465 (6 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
- Hasegawa, Tatsuhiko I., Mitchell, George F., Matthews, Henry E. & Tacconi, Linda
"Submillimeter observations of CO in the W3 core"
ApJ, 426, 215 (17 refereed citations) (19 total citations)
- Helmich, F. P., Jansen, D. J., de Graauw, Th., Groesbeck, T. D. & van Dishoeck, E. F.
"Physical and chemical variations within the W3 star-forming region. 1: SO2, CH3OH, and H2CO"
A&A, 283, 626 (59 refereed citations) (67 total citations)
- Hobson, M. P.
"The structure and dynamics of M17SW"
Ap&SS, 216, 159 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations)
- Hobson, M. P., Jenness, T., Padman, R. & Scott, P. F.
"High-Resolution C/17/O Observations of M17SW - Part Three - Analysis of Density and Velocity Structure"
MNRAS, 266, 972 (13 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Hu, J. Y., te Lintel Hekkert, P., Slijkhuis, F., Baas, F., Sahai, R. & Wood, P. R.
"A systematic study of IRAS selected proto-planetary nebula candidates. II. OH and CO observations"
A&AS, 103, 301 (41 refereed citations) (46 total citations)
- Hughes, D. H., Gear, W. K. & Robson, E. I.
"The Submillimetre Structure of the Starburst Nucleus in M82 - a Diffraction-Limited 450-MICRON Map"
MNRAS, 270, 641 (43 refereed citations) (46 total citations)
- Isaak, K. G., McMahon, R. G., Hills, R. E. & Withington, S.
"Observations of High Redshift Objects at Submillimetre Wavelengths"
MNRAS, 269, 28 (82 refereed citations) (99 total citations)
- Ivison, R. J. & Seaquist, E. R.
"The Latest Spectral Peregrinations of Rx-Puppis"
MNRAS, 268, 561 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations)
- Jaffe, Walter & McNamara, Brian R.
"H I and CO in the nuclear disk of NGC 4261"
ApJ, 434, 110 (27 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
- Jansen, David J., van Dishoeck, Ewine F. & Black, John H.
"Physical and chemical structure of the IC 63 nebula. 1: Millimeter and far-infrared observations"
A&A, 282, 605 (87 refereed citations) (91 total citations)
- Jensen, Eric L. N., Mathieu, Robert D. & Fuller, Gary A.
"A connection between submillimeter continuum flux and separation in young binaries"
ApJ, 429, 29 (60 refereed citations) (71 total citations)
- Jewitt, D. C.
"Heat from Pluto"
AJ, 107, 372 (17 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
- Jewitt, David C.
"Submillimeter constraints on dust near Lindroos' POST T Tauri stars"
AJ, 108, 661 (14 refereed citations) (18 total citations)
- Kastner, Joel H., Weintraub, David A., Snell, Ronald L., Sandell, G., Aspin, C., Hughes, D. H. & Baas, F.
"The massive molecular outflow from CRL 2136 IRS 1"
ApJ, 425, 695 (27 refereed citations) (30 total citations)
- Lay, O. P., Carlstrom, J. E., Hills, R. E. & Phillips, T. G.
"Protostellar accretion disks resolved with the JCMT-CSO interferometer"
ApJ, 434, 75 (99 refereed citations) (127 total citations)
- Little, L. T., Gibb, A. G., Heaton, B. D., Ellison, B. N. & Claude, S. M. X.
"The C1/CO/ Ratio in the Molecular Cloud G:34.3+0.2"
MNRAS, 271, 649 (21 refereed citations) (22 total citations)
- Mannings, V.
"Submillimetre Observations of Herbig Ae/be Systems"
MNRAS, 271, 587 (62 refereed citations) (69 total citations)
- Mannings, Vincent & Emerson, James P.
"Dust in discs around T Tauri stars: Grain growth?"
MNRAS, 267, 361 (95 refereed citations) (111 total citations)
- Maraschi, L. & 29 authors
"The 1993 multiwavelength campaign on 3C 279: The radio to gamma-ray energy distribution inlow state"
ApJ, 435, 91 (110 refereed citations) (147 total citations)
- Marshall, J. & Lasenby, A. N.
"Co/ Observations of High Negative Velocity Gas Towards the Galactic Centre"
MNRAS, 269, 619 (3 refereed citations) (4 total citations)
- McCaughrean, Mark J., Rayner, John T. & Zinnecker, Hans
"Discovery of a molecular hydrogen jet near IC 348"
ApJ, 436, 189 (121 refereed citations) (150 total citations)
- McNamara, B. R. & Jaffe, W.
"Sensitive limits on the molecular gas content of cluster cooling flows"
A&A, 281, 673 (39 refereed citations) (46 total citations)
- Minchin, Nigel R. & Murray, Alexander G.
"Submillimetre polarimetric mapping of DR 21 and NGC 7538-IRS 11: Tracing the circumstellar magnetic field"
A&A, 286, 579 (41 refereed citations) (43 total citations)
- Minchin, Nigel R., White, Glenn J., Stutzki, Juergen & Krause, Dirk
"C I emission from the outflow and PDR in S 140"
A&A, 291, 250 (19 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Mitchell, George F. & Matthews, Henry E.
"A molecular jet from LkH(alpha) 234"
ApJ, 423, 55 (18 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Mitchell, George F., Hasegawa, Tatsuhiko I., Dent, William R. F. & Matthews, Henry E.
"A molecular outflow driven by an optical jet"
ApJ, 436, 177 (21 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Moriarty-Schieven, G. H., Wannier, P. G., Keene, Jocelyn & Tamura, M.
"Circumprotostellar environments. 2: Envelopes, activity, and evolution"
ApJ, 436, 800 (53 refereed citations) (58 total citations)
- Naylor, D. A., Davis, G. R., Griffin, M. J., Clark, T. A., Gautier, D. & Marten, A.
"Broad-band spectrscopic detection of the CO J=3-2 tropospheric absorption in the atmosphere of Neptune"
A&A, 291, 51 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Oldham, P. G., Griffin, M. J., Richardson, K. J. & Sandell, G.
"W3: A study of a site of massive star formation. 1: Continuum and C(18)O observations and comparison as mass tracers"
A&A, 284, 559 (25 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
- Padman, Rachael & Richer, John S.
"Interactions between molecular outflows and optical jets"
Ap&SS, 216, 129 (6 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Phillips, J. A. & Chandler, C. J.
"A search for circumstellar material around pulsars"
ApJ, 420, 83 (17 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Richardson, K. J., Sandell, G., Cunningham, C. T. & Davies, S. R.
"DR 21(OH), a cluster in the making. 1: Observations in carbon monosulphide and methanol"
A&A, 286, 555 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Sandell, G.
"Secondary calibrators at submillimetre wvelengths."
MNRAS, 271, 75 (132 refereed citations) (143 total citations)
- Sandell, G., Knee, L. B. G., Aspin, C., Robson, I. E. & Russell, A. P. G.
"A molecular jet and bow shock in the low mass protostellar binary NGC 1333-IRAS2"
A&A, 285, 1 (67 refereed citations) (81 total citations)
- Sandell, Goran & Weintraub, David A.
"A submillimeter protostar mear LkH-alpha 198"
A&A, 292, 1 (23 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
- Scott, A. D., Rawlings, J. M. C. & Evans, A.
"The Previous Incarnation of the Old Nova Gk-Persei"
MNRAS, 269, 707 (11 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Seaquist, E. R., Kerton, C. R. & Bell, M. B.
"Millimeter recombination lines and the state of ionized gas in M82"
ApJ, 429, 612 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Senay, Matthew C. & Jewitt, David
"Coma formation driven by carbon monoxide release from comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1"
Natur, 371, 229 (79 refereed citations) (86 total citations)
- Stark, R. & van Dishoeck, E. F.
"Detection of [CI] 492 GHz emission from a high-latitude translucent cloud"
A&A, 286, 43 (26 refereed citations) (27 total citations)
- Stevens, J. A. & 7 authors
"Multifrequency observations of blazars. 5: Long-term millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared monitoring"
ApJ, 437, 91 (75 refereed citations) (85 total citations)
- Stevens, J. A. & Robson, E. I.
"On Improving the Calibration of Millimetre and Submillimetre Photometry at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope / JCMT"
MNRAS, 270, 75 (28 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
- Sylvester, R. J., Barlow, M. J. & Skinner, C. J.
"Millimetre photometry and infrared spectroscopy of Vega-excess stars"
Ap&SS, 212, 261 (12 refereed citations) (12 total citations)
- Tafalla, M., Bachiller, R. & Wright, M. C. H.
"Dense clumps in the Monoceros R2 outflow"
ApJ, 432, 127 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
- Thum, C., Matthews, H. E., Harris, A. I., Tacconi, L. J., Schuster, K. F. & Martin-Pintado, J.
"Detection of H21alpha maser emission at 662 GHz in MWC 349"
A&A, 288, 25 (20 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
- Thum, C., Matthews, H. E., Martin-Pintado, J., Serabyn, E., Planesas, P. & Bachiller, R.
"A submillimeter recombination line maser in MWC 349"
A&A, 283, 582 (24 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
- Vallee, J. P. & MacLeod, J. M.
"JCMT observations of the ionizing stars in the H II region W40"
AJ, 108, 998 (7 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Vallee, Jacques P.
"NGC 7027 at millimeter wavelengths : radial gradient of the ionised shell density."
ApL&C, 29, 253
- Ward-Thompson, D., Scott, P. F., Hills, R. E. & Andre, P.
"A Submillimetre Continuum Survey of Pre Protostellar Cores"
MNRAS, 268, 276 (312 refereed citations) (374 total citations)
- Webb, J. R. & 23 authors
"The multifrequency spectral evolution of blazar 3C 345"
ApJ, 422, 570 (18 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Weintraub, David A. & Stern, S. Alan
"A reinterpretation of millimeter observations of nearby IRAS excess stars"
AJ, 108, 701 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Welch, G. A. & Mitchell, G. F.
"A study of molecular gas in the center of the SO galaxy NGC 4710"
ApJ, 427, 770 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations)
- White, G. J.
"Co/ and DI Observations of Shock Excited Gas in IC443C"
A&A, 283, 25 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- White, G. J., Ellison, B., Claude, S., Dent, W. R. F. & Matheson, D. N.
"CO and CI maps of the starburst galaxy M 82"
A&A, 284, 23 (45 refereed citations) (51 total citations)
- Wilson, Christine D.
"First observations of individual molecular clouds in the irregular galaxy NGC 6822"
ApJ, 434, 11 (33 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
- van Langevelde, Huib Jan, van Dishoeck, Ewine F. & Blake, Geoffrey A.
"Evidence for HCO(+) infall toward T Tauri?"
ApJ, 425, 45 (23 refereed citations) (25 total citations)
- van der Veen, W. E. C. J., Waters, L. B. F. M., Trams, N. R. & Matthews, H. E.
"A study of dust shells around high latitude supergiants"
A&A, 285, 551 (51 refereed citations) (53 total citations)
Total number of refereed citations: 2892
Total number of citations: 3325