JCMT refereed publication list for 2003
No. of Articles: 104 (last updated 1 May 2014)
- Alexander, D. M. & 8 authors
"The Chandra Deep Field North Survey. XIV. X-Ray-Detected Obscured AGNs and Starburst Galaxies in the Bright Submillimeter Source Population"
AJ, 125, 383 (128 refereed citations) (149 total citations)
- Almaini, O. & 18 authors
"The coincidence and angular clustering of Chandra and SCUBA sources"
MNRAS, 338, 303 (81 refereed citations) (92 total citations)
- Aretxaga, Itziar, Hughes, David H., Chapin, Edward L., Gaztañaga, Enrique, Dunlop, James S. & Ivison, Rob J.
"Breaking the `redshift deadlock'- II. The redshift distribution for the submillimetre population of galaxies"
MNRAS, 342, 759 (53 refereed citations) (71 total citations)
- Aspin, Colin & Reipurth, Bo
"Two Embedded Young Stellar Objects in NGC 2264 with FU Orionis Characteristics"
AJ, 126, 2936 (19 refereed citations) (22 total citations)
- Baganoff, F. K. & 11 authors
"Chandra X-Ray Spectroscopic Imaging of Sagittarius A* and the Central Parsec of the Galaxy"
ApJ, 591, 891 (362 refereed citations) (434 total citations)
- Barnard, V. E. & 9 authors
"SCUBA observations of the host galaxies of four dark gamma-ray bursts"
MNRAS, 338, 1 (30 refereed citations) (36 total citations)
- Bendo, George J. & 13 authors
"Dust Temperatures in the Infrared Space Observatory Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies"
AJ, 125, 2361 (42 refereed citations) (45 total citations)
- Berger, E., Cowie, L. L., Kulkarni, S. R., Frail, D. A., Aussel, H. & Barger, A. J.
"A Submillimeter and Radio Survey of Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxies: A Glimpse into the Future of Star Formation Studies"
ApJ, 588, 99 (96 refereed citations) (114 total citations)
- Bianchi, S., Gonçalves, J., Albrecht, M., Caselli, P., Chini, R., Galli, D. & Walmsley, M.
"Dust emissivity in the submm/mm. SCUBA and SIMBA observations of Barnard 68"
A&A, 399, 43 (45 refereed citations) (49 total citations)
- Blain, A. W., Barnard, V. E. & Chapman, S. C.
"Submillimetre and far-infrared spectral energy distributions of galaxies: the luminosity-temperature relation and consequences for photometric redshifts"
MNRAS, 338, 733 (106 refereed citations) (123 total citations)
- Blomme, R., van de Steene, G. C., Prinja, R. K., Runacres, M. C. & Clark, J. S.
"Radio and submillimetre observations of wind structure in zeta Puppis"
A&A, 408, 715 (7 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
- Boonman, A. M. S., Doty, S. D., van Dishoeck, E. F., Bergin, E. A., Melnick, G. J., Wright, C. M. & Stark, R.
"Modeling gas-phase H2O between 5 mu m and 540 mu m toward massive protostars"
A&A, 406, 937 (33 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
- Borys, Colin, Chapman, Scott, Halpern, Mark & Scott, Douglas
"The Hubble Deep Field North SCUBA Super-map - I. Submillimetre maps, sources and number counts"
MNRAS, 344, 385 (172 refereed citations) (193 total citations)
- Bradford, C. M. & 7 authors
"CO (J=7-->6) Observations of NGC 253: Cosmic-Ray-heated Warm Molecular Gas"
ApJ, 586, 891 (64 refereed citations) (77 total citations)
- Brar, Rupinder Singh, Irwin, Judith A. & Saikia, D. J.
"High-latitude dust and the 617 MHz-850 mum relation in NGC 5775"
MNRAS, 340, 269 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations)
- Böttner, C., Klein, U. & Heithausen, A.
"Cold dust and its relation to molecular gas in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 4449"
A&A, 408, 493 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Chapman, S. C. & 11 authors
"The Properties of Microjansky Radio Sources in the Hubble Deep Field-North, SSA 13, and SSA 22 Fields"
ApJ, 585, 57 (69 refereed citations) (77 total citations)
- Chapman, S. C., Windhorst, R., Odewahn, S., Yan, H. & Conselice, C.
"Hubble Space Telescope Images of Submillimeter Sources: Large Irregular Galaxies at High Redshift"
ApJ, 599, 92 (79 refereed citations) (97 total citations)
- Chaty, S., Haswell, C. A., Malzac, J., Hynes, R. I., Shrader, C. R. & Cui, W.
"Multiwavelength observations revealing the evolution of the outburst of the black hole XTE J1118+480"
MNRAS, 346, 689 (66 refereed citations) (80 total citations)
- Clancy, R. T., Sandor, B. J. & Moriarty-Schieven, G. H.
"Observational definition of the Venus mesopause: vertical structure, diurnal variation, and temporal instability"
Icar, 161, 1 (29 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
- Cullen, Harriet, Alexander, Paul & Clemens, Marcel
"Probing the physics of interacting galaxies"
Ap&SS, 284, 503 (3 refereed citations) (4 total citations)
- Dent, W. R. F., Furuya, R. S. & Davis, C. J.
"The impact of the Herbig-Haro object HH2 on local dust and gas"
MNRAS, 339, 633 (4 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Dunne, Loretta, Eales, Stephen A. & Edmunds, M. G.
"A census of metals at high and low redshift and the connection between submillimetre sources and spheroid formation"
MNRAS, 341, 589 (60 refereed citations) (74 total citations)
- Dunne, Loretta, Eales, Stephen, Ivison, Rob, Morgan, Haley & Edmunds, Mike
"Type II supernovae as a significant source of interstellar dust"
Natur, 424, 285 (109 refereed citations) (136 total citations)
- Dupac, X. & 10 authors
"The complete submillimetre spectrum of NGC 891"
MNRAS, 344, 105 (15 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Eales, Steve, Bertoldi, Frank, Ivison, Rob, Carilli, Chris, Dunne, Loretta & Owen, Frazer
"SCUBA observations of the sources detected in the MAMBO 1200-mum survey"
MNRAS, 344, 169 (40 refereed citations) (51 total citations)
- Efstathiou, Andreas & Rowan-Robinson, Michael
"Cirrus models for local and high-z SCUBA galaxies"
MNRAS, 343, 322 (73 refereed citations) (88 total citations)
- Fox, D. W. & 13 authors
"Discovery of Early Optical Emission from GRB 021211"
ApJ, 586, 5 (98 refereed citations) (112 total citations)
- Frail, D. A. & 10 authors
"The Broadband Afterglow of GRB 980703"
ApJ, 590, 992 (36 refereed citations) (40 total citations)
- Frail, D. A., Kulkarni, S. R., Berger, E. & Wieringa, M. H.
"A Complete Catalog of Radio Afterglows: The First Five Years"
AJ, 125, 2299 (53 refereed citations) (59 total citations)
- Galliano, F., Madden, S. C., Jones, A. P., Wilson, C. D., Bernard, J.-P. & Le Peintre, F.
"ISM properties in low-metallicity environments. II. The dust spectral energy distribution of NGC 1569"
A&A, 407, 159 (109 refereed citations) (140 total citations)
- Gibb, A. G., Hoare, M. G., Little, L. T. & Wright, M. C. H.
"A detailed study of G35.2-0.7N: collimated outflows in a cluster of high-mass young stellar objects"
MNRAS, 339, 1011 (33 refereed citations) (39 total citations)
- Greaves, J. S. & 15 authors
"A submillimetre imaging polarimeter at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope"
MNRAS, 340, 353 (35 refereed citations) (46 total citations)
- Greaves, J. S., Holland, W. S. & Pound, Marc W.
"Star-like activity from a very young `isolated planet'"
MNRAS, 346, 441 (8 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Greve, Thomas R., Ivison, Rob J. & Papadopoulos, Padeli P.
"Gas and Dust in the Extremely Red Object ERO J164502+4626.4"
ApJ, 599, 839 (32 refereed citations) (36 total citations)
- Haas, M. & 10 authors
"The ISO view of Palomar-Green quasars"
A&A, 402, 87 (107 refereed citations) (126 total citations)
- Hasegawa, Tatsuhiko I. & Kwok, Sun
"Neutral Carbon in Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars and Planetary Nebulae"
ApJ, 585, 475 (2 refereed citations) (3 total citations)
- Hatchell, J. & van der Tak, F. F. S.
"The physical structure of high-mass star-forming cores"
A&A, 409, 589 (30 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
- Hogerheijde, Michiel R., Johnstone, Doug, Matsuyama, Isamu, Jayawardhana, Ray & Muzerolle, James
"Indications for Grain Growth and Mass Decrease in Cold Dust Disks around Classical T Tauri Stars in the MBM 12 Young Association"
ApJ, 593, 101 (10 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
- Holland, W. S. & 9 authors
"Submillimeter Observations of an Asymmetric Dust Disk around Fomalhaut"
ApJ, 582, 1141 (69 refereed citations) (84 total citations)
- Israel, F. P. & Baas, F.
"CI and CO in the nearby spiral galaxies IC 342 and Maffei 2"
A&A, 404, 495 (35 refereed citations) (36 total citations)
- Israel, F. P., Baas, F., Rudy, R. J., Skillman, E. D. & Woodward, C. E.
"Dust and molecules in the Local Group galaxy NGC 6822. III. The first-ranked HII region complex Hubble V"
A&A, 397, 87 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
- Johnstone, D., Boonman, A. M. S. & van Dishoeck, E. F.
"Astrochemistry of sub-millimeter sources in Orion. Studying the variations of molecular tracers with changing physical conditions"
A&A, 412, 157 (43 refereed citations) (47 total citations)
- Johnstone, Doug, Fiege, Jason D., Redman, R. O., Feldman, P. A. & Carey, Sean J.
"The G11.11-0.12 Infrared-dark Cloud: Anomalous Dust and a Nonmagnetic Isothermal Model"
ApJ, 588, 37 (33 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
- Kamazaki, Takeshi, Saito, Masao, Hirano, Naomi, Umemoto, Tomofumi & Kawabe, Ryohei
"Molecular Outflow Search in the rho Ophiuchi A and B2 Regions"
ApJ, 584, 357 (17 refereed citations) (19 total citations)
- Kaviani, A., Haehnelt, M. G. & Kauffmann, G.
"Modelling SCUBA sources in a LambdaCDM cosmology: hot starbursts or cold extended galactic dust?"
MNRAS, 340, 739 (42 refereed citations) (47 total citations)
- Kemper, F. & 7 authors
"Mass loss and rotational CO emission from Asymptotic Giant Branch stars"
A&A, 407, 609 (49 refereed citations) (56 total citations)
- Kennicutt, Robert C., Jr. & 22 authors
"SINGS: The SIRTF Nearby Galaxies Survey"
PASP, 115, 928 (535 refereed citations) (655 total citations)
- Klein, R., Apai, D., Pascucci, I., Henning, Th. & Waters, L. B. F. M.
"First Detection of Millimeter Dust Emission from Brown Dwarf Disks"
ApJ, 593, 57 (64 refereed citations) (76 total citations)
- Knudsen, K. K., van der Werf, P. P. & Jaffe, W.
"A submillimetre selected quasar in the field of Abell 478"
A&A, 411, 343 (17 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Kramer, C., Richer, J., Mookerjea, B., Alves, J. & Lada, C.
"Dust properties of the dark cloud IC 5146. Submillimeter and NIR imaging"
A&A, 399, 1073 (59 refereed citations) (64 total citations)
- Krause, O., Lemke, D., Tóth, L. V., Klaas, U., Haas, M., Stickel, M. & Vavrek, R.
"A very young star forming region detected by the ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey"
A&A, 398, 1007 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Kuan, Yi-Jehng, Yan, Chi-Hung, Charnley, Steven B., Kisiel, Zbigniew, Ehrenfreund, Pascale & Huang, Hui-Chun
"A search for interstellar pyrimidine"
MNRAS, 345, 650 (27 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
- Lewis, Geraint F., Chapman, S. C. & Kuncic, Zdenka
"Submillimeter Observations of a Sample of Broad Absorption Line Quasars"
ApJ, 596, 35 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Li, Aigen & Lunine, J. I.
"Modeling the Infrared Emission from the HD 141569A Disk"
ApJ, 594, 987 (33 refereed citations) (37 total citations)
- Li, Aigen, Lunine, J. I. & Bendo, G. J.
"Modeling the Infrared Emission from the &epsil Eridani Disk"
ApJ, 598, 51 (16 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
- Moreno, R., Marten, A., Matthews, H. E. & Biraud, Y.
"Long-term evolution of CO, CS and HCN in Jupiter after the impacts of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9"
P&SS, 51, 591 (24 refereed citations) (24 total citations)
- Morgan, H. L., Dunne, L., Eales, S. A., Ivison, R. J. & Edmunds, M. G.
"Cold Dust in Kepler's Supernova Remnant"
ApJ, 597, 33 (49 refereed citations) (61 total citations)
- Osorio, Mayra, D'Alessio, Paola, Muzerolle, James, Calvet, Nuria & Hartmann, Lee
"A Comprehensive Study of the L1551 IRS 5 Binary System"
ApJ, 586, 1148 (35 refereed citations) (43 total citations)
- Pascucci, I., Apai, D., Henning, Th. & Dullemond, C. P.
"The First Detailed Look at a Brown Dwarf Disk"
ApJ, 590, 111 (38 refereed citations) (47 total citations)
- Perrotta, F. & 7 authors
"Predictions for statistical properties of forming spheroidal galaxies"
MNRAS, 338, 623 (31 refereed citations) (39 total citations)
- Petitpas, Glen R. & Wilson, Christine D.
"Molecular Gas in Candidate Double-barred Galaxies. II. Cooler, Less Dense Gas Associated with Stronger Central Concentrations"
ApJ, 587, 649 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
- Priddey, Robert S., Isaak, Kate G., McMahon, Richard G. & Omont, Alain
"The SCUBA Bright Quasar Survey (SBQS) - II. Unveiling the quasar epoch at submillimetre wavelengths"
MNRAS, 339, 1183 (57 refereed citations) (64 total citations)
- Priddey, Robert S., Isaak, Kate G., McMahon, Richard G., Robson, E. I. & Pearson, C. P.
"Quasars as probes of the submillimetre cosmos at z > 5 - I. Preliminary SCUBA photometry"
MNRAS, 344, 74 (58 refereed citations) (67 total citations)
[SCUBA,CSO Tau Meter]
- Redman, R. O., Feldman, P. A., Wyrowski, F., Côté, S., Carey, S. J. & Egan, M. P.
"Interactions between a Bright Young Stellar Object and the Midcourse Space Experiment Infrared-dark Cloud G79.3+0.3: An Early Stage of Triggered Star Formation?"
ApJ, 586, 1127 (34 refereed citations) (38 total citations)
- Reuland, Michiel, Röttgering, Huub & van Breugel, Wil
"SCUBA observations of high redshift radio galaxies"
NewAR, 47, 303 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations)
- Reuland, Michiel, van Breugel, Wil, Röttgering, Huub, de Vries, Wim, De Breuck, Carlos & Stern, Daniel
"An Obscured Radio Galaxy at High Redshift"
ApJ, 582, 71 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
- Robson, E. I., Stevens, J. A. & Jenness, T.
"Erratum: Observations of flat-spectrum radio sources at lambda850 mum from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope - I. 1997 April to 2000 April"
MNRAS, 343, 1376 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations)
- Sajina, A. & 7 authors
"Submillimetre and near-infrared observations of galaxies selected at 170 mum"
MNRAS, 343, 1365 (13 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
- Sanders, D. B.
"The Cosmic Evolution of Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Strong Interactions/Mergers of Gas-Rich Disks"
JKAS, 36, 149 (5 refereed citations) (7 total citations)
- Savva, D., Little, L. T., Phillips, R. R. & Gibb, A. G.
"Carbon monoxide depletion in Orion B molecular cloud cores"
MNRAS, 343, 259 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
[SIS RxA2]
- Schneider, N., Simon, R., Kramer, C., Kraemer, K., Stutzki, J. & Mookerjea, B.
"A multiwavelength study of the S 106 region. II. Characteristics of the photon dominated region"
A&A, 406, 915 (29 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
[SIS RxB3i]
- Serjeant, S. & 13 authors
"Submillimetre observations of the Hubble Deep Field and Flanking Fields"
MNRAS, 344, 887 (60 refereed citations) (65 total citations)
- Smail, Ian & 7 authors
"A vigorous starburst in the SCUBA galaxy N2 850.4"
MNRAS, 342, 1185 (55 refereed citations) (65 total citations)
- Smail, Ian, Ivison, R. J., Gilbank, D. G., Dunlop, J. S., Keel, W. C., Motohara, K. & Stevens, J. A.
"A SCUBA Galaxy in the Protocluster around 53W002 at z=2.4"
ApJ, 583, 551 (36 refereed citations) (42 total citations)
- Smail, Ian, Scharf, C. A., Ivison, R. J., Stevens, J. A., Bower, R. G. & Dunlop, J. S.
"Chandra Detections of SCUBA Galaxies around High-z Radio Sources"
ApJ, 599, 86 (21 refereed citations) (25 total citations)
- Smith, Michael D., Froebrich, Dirk & Eislöffel, Jochen
"Multiwavelength Spectroscopy of the Bipolar Outflow from Cepheus E"
ApJ, 592, 245 (15 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
- Stevens, J. A. & 8 authors
"The formation of cluster elliptical galaxies as revealed by extensive star formation"
Natur, 425, 264 (97 refereed citations) (111 total citations)
- Stevens, J. A., Page, M. J., Ivison, R. J., Smail, Ian, Lehmann, I., Hasinger, G. & Szokoly, G.
"The nature of X-ray selected extremely red objects"
MNRAS, 342, 249 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Stirling, A. M. & 11 authors
"Discovery of a precessing jet nozzle in BL Lacertae"
MNRAS, 341, 405 (49 refereed citations) (71 total citations)
- Takakuwa, Shigehisa, Ohashi, Nagayoshi & Hirano, Naomi
"Interaction between the Outflow and the Core in IRAM 04191+1522"
ApJ, 590, 932 (13 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
[SIS Rx]
- Thompson, M. A. & Macdonald, G. H.
"A molecular line survey of the candidate massive Class 0 protostar IRAS 23385+6053"
A&A, 407, 237 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
[SIS RxB3]
- Vallée, Jacques P., Greaves, Jane S. & Fiege, Jason D.
"Magnetic Structure of a Dark Bok Globule"
ApJ, 588, 910 (16 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Walsh, A. J., Macdonald, G. H., Alvey, N. D. S., Burton, M. G. & Lee, J.-K.
"Observations of warm dust near methanol masers"
A&A, 410, 597 (49 refereed citations) (61 total citations)
- Waskett, Timothy J. & 9 authors
"XMM-Newton surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey fields - I. The submillimetre/X-ray relation"
MNRAS, 341, 1217 (31 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
- Webb, T. M. & 12 authors
"The Canada-United Kingdom Deep Submillimeter Survey. V. The Submillimeter Properties of Lyman Break Galaxies"
ApJ, 582, 6 (57 refereed citations) (66 total citations)
- Webb, T. M. & 8 authors
"The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey. VI. The 3 Hour Field"
ApJ, 587, 41 (90 refereed citations) (101 total citations)
- Webb, T. M. A. & 7 authors
"The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey. VII. Optical and Near-Infrared Identifications for the 14 Hour Field"
ApJ, 597, 680 (45 refereed citations) (52 total citations)
- White, G. J. & MacDonald, G.
"Cocktails from the (DAW)n of Time - molecular line spectroscopy of the Interstellar Medium"
Ap&SS, 285, 801
- White, Glenn J., Araki, M., Greaves, J. S., Ohishi, M. & Higginbottom, N. S.
"A spectral survey of the Orion Nebula from 455-507 GHz"
A&A, 407, 589 (26 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
- Wiklind, T.
"Photometric Redshift Using the Far-infrared Spectral Energy Distribution"
ApJ, 588, 736 (14 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Willott, Chris J., Rawlings, Steve & Grimes, Jennifer A.
"The Submillimeter Properties of Broad Absorption Line Quasars"
ApJ, 598, 909 (34 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
- Wolf, Sebastian, Launhardt, R. & Henning, T.
"Magnetic Field Evolution in Bok Globules"
ApJ, 592, 233 (30 refereed citations) (39 total citations)
- Wolf-Chase, G., Moriarty-Schieven, G., Fich, M. & Barsony, M.
"Star formation in massive protoclusters in the Monoceros OB1 dark cloud"
MNRAS, 344, 809 (26 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
- Woods, P. M., Schöier, F. L., Nyman, L.-Å. & Olofsson, H.
"Molecular abundances in carbon-rich circumstellar envelopes"
A&A, 402, 617 (36 refereed citations) (39 total citations)
- Wyatt, M. C., Dent, W. R. F. & Greaves, J. S.
"SCUBA observations of dust around Lindroos stars: evidence for a substantial submillimetre disc population"
MNRAS, 342, 876 (50 refereed citations) (55 total citations)
- Yang, Y., Mushotzky, R. F., Barger, A. J., Cowie, L. L., Sanders, D. B. & Steffen, A. T.
"Imaging Large-Scale Structure in the X-Ray Sky"
ApJ, 585, 85 (55 refereed citations) (66 total citations)
- Yao, Lihong, Seaquist, E. R., Kuno, Nario & Dunne, Loretta
"CO Molecular Gas in Infrared-luminous Galaxies"
ApJ, 588, 771 (99 refereed citations) (110 total citations)
[ RxB3]
- Young, Chadwick H., Shirley, Yancy L., Evans, Neal J., II & Rawlings, Jonathan M. C.
"Tracing the Mass during Low-Mass Star Formation. IV. Observations and Modeling of the Submillimeter Continuum Emission from Class I Protostars"
ApJS, 145, 111 (84 refereed citations) (91 total citations)
- Zemcov, Michael, Halpern, Mark, Borys, Colin, Chapman, Scott, Holland, Wayne, Pierpaoli, Elena & Scott, Douglas
"Measurement of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich increment in massive galaxy clusters"
MNRAS, 346, 1179 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
- Zhu, Ming, Seaquist, E. R. & Kuno, Nario
"A Multitransition CO Study of the Antennae Galaxies NGC 4038/9"
ApJ, 588, 243 (44 refereed citations) (52 total citations)
- van Dishoeck, E. F., Thi, W.-F. & van Zadelhoff, G.-J.
"Detection of DCO+ in a circumstellar disk"
A&A, 400, 1 (32 refereed citations) (37 total citations)
- van Dishoeck, E. F., Thi, W.-F. & van Zadelhoff, G.-J.
"Detection of DCO+ in a circumstellar disk"
Ap&SS, 285, 691
- van der Tak, F. F. S., Boonman, A. M. S., Braakman, R. & van Dishoeck, E. F.
"Sulphur chemistry in the envelopes of massive young stars"
A&A, 412, 133 (56 refereed citations) (60 total citations)
Total number of refereed citations: 5099
Total number of citations: 5987