JCMT refereed publication list for 2005
No. of Articles: 89 (last updated 30 Apr 2014)
- Almaini, O., Dunlop, J. S., Willott, C. J., Alexander, D. M., Bauer, F. E. & Liu, C. T.
"Correlations between bright submillimetre sources and low-redshift galaxies"
MNRAS, 358, 875 (11 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
- Andrews, Sean M. & Williams, Jonathan P.
"Circumstellar Dust Disks in Taurus-Auriga: The Submillimeter Perspective"
ApJ, 631, 1134 (319 refereed citations) (366 total citations)
- Bradford, C. M., Stacey, G. J., Nikola, T., Bolatto, A. D., Jackson, J. M., Savage, M. L. & Davidson, J. A.
"Warm Molecular Gas Traced with CO J = 7-->6 in the Galaxy's Central 2 Parsecs: Dynamical Heating of the Circumnuclear Disk"
ApJ, 623, 866 (28 refereed citations) (30 total citations)
- Ceccarelli, C., Dominik, C., Caux, E., Lefloch, B. & Caselli, P.
"Discovery of Deuterated Water in a Young Protoplanetary Disk"
ApJ, 631, 81 (23 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
[ RxW(C)]
- Chapman, S. C., Blain, A. W., Smail, Ian & Ivison, R. J.
"A Redshift Survey of the Submillimeter Galaxy Population"
ApJ, 622, 772 (625 refereed citations) (757 total citations)
- Clements, D. L., Farrah, D., Rowan-Robinson, M., Afonso, J., Priddey, R. & Fox, M.
"Cold dust in (some) high-z supernova host galaxies"
MNRAS, 363, 229 (10 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Coppin, Kristen, Halpern, Mark, Scott, Douglas, Borys, Colin & Chapman, Scott
"An 850-mum SCUBA map of the Groth Strip and reliable source extraction"
MNRAS, 357, 1022 (50 refereed citations) (57 total citations)
- Dale, D. A. & 27 authors
"Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby Galaxies"
ApJ, 633, 857 (174 refereed citations) (200 total citations)
- Dasyra, K. M., Xilouris, E. M., Misiriotis, A. & Kylafis, N. D.
"Is the Galactic submillimeter dust emissivity underestimated?"
A&A, 437, 447 (16 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Dent, W. R. F., Greaves, J. S. & Coulson, I. M.
"CO emission from discs around isolated HAeBe and Vega-excess stars"
MNRAS, 359, 663 (109 refereed citations) (124 total citations)
- Doi, A., Kameno, S. & Inoue, M.
"Radio spectra of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 266 at centimetre-to-submillimetre wavelengths"
MNRAS, 360, 119 (5 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Doi, A., Kameno, S., Kohno, K., Nakanishi, K. & Inoue, M.
"A high-frequency radio survey of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei"
MNRAS, 363, 692 (19 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Doty, Steven D., Everett, Sheila E., Shirley, Yancy L., Evans, Neal J. & Palotti, Matthew L.
"Constraining the structure of the non-spherical pre-protostellar core L1544"
MNRAS, 359, 228 (13 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Evans, A. S., Mazzarella, J. M., Surace, J. A., Frayer, D. T., Iwasawa, K. & Sanders, D. B.
"Molecular Gas and Nuclear Activity in Radio Galaxies Detected by IRAS"
ApJS, 159, 197 (47 refereed citations) (58 total citations)
- Eyres, S. P. S., Heywood, I., O'Brien, T. J., Ivison, R. J., Muxlow, T. W. B. & Elkin, V. G.
"Six months of mass outflow and inclined rings in the ejecta of V1494 Aql"
MNRAS, 358, 1019 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Friesen, R. K., Johnstone, D., Naylor, D. A. & Davis, G. R.
"Fourier transform spectroscopy of the submillimetre continuum emission from hot molecular cores"
MNRAS, 361, 460 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Fuller, G. A., Williams, S. J. & Sridharan, T. K.
"The circumstellar environment of high mass protostellar objects. III. Evidence of infall?"
A&A, 442, 949 (69 refereed citations) (74 total citations)
- Galliano, F., Madden, S. C., Jones, A. P., Wilson, C. D. & Bernard, J.-P.
"ISM properties in low-metallicity environments. III. The spectral energy distributions of II Zw 40, He 2-10 and NGC 1140"
A&A, 434, 867 (107 refereed citations) (135 total citations)
- Garland, C. A., Williams, J. P., Pisano, D. J., Guzmán, R., Castander, F. J. & Brinkmann, J.
"The Nature of Nearby Counterparts to Intermediate-Redshift Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies. II. CO Observations"
ApJ, 624, 714 (10 refereed citations) (12 total citations)
[RxA ]
- Geach, J. E. & 9 authors
"A submillimetre survey of Lyman alpha haloes in the SA22 protocluster at z= 3.1"
MNRAS, 363, 1398 (42 refereed citations) (52 total citations)
- Greaves, J. S.
"Submillimetre observations of low-mass cloud cores: forming tiny objects in situ"
AN, 326, 1044 (3 refereed citations) (4 total citations)
- Greaves, J. S.
"Molecular gas in irradiated protoplanetary discs"
MNRAS, 364, 47 (5 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Greaves, J. S. & 12 authors
"Structure in the &epsil Eridani Debris Disk"
ApJ, 619, 187 (73 refereed citations) (90 total citations)
- Greaves, Jane S.
"Disks Around Stars and the Growth of Planetary Systems"
Sci, 307, 68 (22 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
- Grimes, Jennifer A., Rawlings, Steve & Willott, Chris J.
"Implications for unified schemes from submillimetre and far-infrared follow-up of radio-selected samples"
MNRAS, 359, 1345 (11 refereed citations) (12 total citations)
- Gutermuth, Robert A., Megeath, S. Thomas, Pipher, Judith L., Williams, Jonathan P., Allen, Lori E., Myers, Philip C. & Raines, S. Nicholas
"The Initial Configuration of Young Stellar Clusters: A K-Band Number Counts Analysis of the Surface Density of Stars"
ApJ, 632, 397 (79 refereed citations) (94 total citations)
- Hatchell, J., Richer, J. S., Fuller, G. A., Qualtrough, C. J., Ladd, E. F. & Chandler, C. J.
"Star formation in Perseus. Clusters, filaments and the conditions for star formation"
A&A, 440, 151 (97 refereed citations) (110 total citations)
- Hodapp, Klaus W., Bally, John, Eislöffel, Jochen & Davis, Christopher J.
"An S-shaped Outflow from IRAS 03256+3055 in NGC 1333"
AJ, 129, 1580 (13 refereed citations) (18 total citations)
- Holwerda, B. W., González, R. A., Allen, Ronald J. & van der Kruit, P. C.
"The opacity of spiral galaxy disks. V. Dust opacity, HI distributions and sub-mm emission"
A&A, 444, 101 (15 refereed citations) (18 total citations)
- Hrivnak, Bruce J. & Bieging, John H.
"CO J = 2-1 and 4-3 Observations of Proto-planetary Nebulae: Time-variable Mass Loss"
ApJ, 624, 331 (27 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
- Humphreys, E. M. L. & 7 authors
"First Detection of Millimeter/Submillimeter Extragalactic H2O Maser Emission"
ApJ, 634, 133 (7 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Hunt, L., Bianchi, S. & Maiolino, R.
"The optical-to-radio spectral energy distributions of low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies"
A&A, 434, 849 (60 refereed citations) (66 total citations)
- Israel, F. P.
"Molecular gas in compact galaxies"
A&A, 438, 855 (30 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
- Ivison, R. J. & 11 authors
"A robust sample of submillimetre galaxies: constraints on the prevalence of dusty, high-redshift starbursts"
MNRAS, 364, 1025 (49 refereed citations) (55 total citations)
- Ivison, R. J., Smail, Ian, Bentz, Misty, Stevens, J. A., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Chapman, S. C. & Blain, A. W.
"Rest-frame optical and far-infrared observations of extremely bright Lyman-break galaxy candidates at z~ 2.5"
MNRAS, 362, 535 (7 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Jorstad, Svetlana G. & 10 authors
"Polarimetric Observations of 15 Active Galactic Nuclei at High Frequencies: Jet Kinematics from Bimonthly Monitoring with the Very Long Baseline Array"
AJ, 130, 1418 (208 refereed citations) (287 total citations)
- Justtanont, K. & 12 authors
"W Hya through the eye of Odin. Satellite observations of circumstellar submillimetre H2O line emission"
A&A, 439, 627 (25 refereed citations) (28 total citations)
- Jørgensen, J. K., Schöier, F. L. & van Dishoeck, E. F.
"H_2CO and CH_3OH abundances in the envelopes around low-mass protostars"
A&A, 437, 501 (45 refereed citations) (46 total citations)
[RxA, RxB]
- Kirk, J. M., Ward-Thompson, D. & André, P.
"The initial conditions of isolated star formation - VI. SCUBA mappingof pre-stellar cores"
MNRAS, 360, 1506 (112 refereed citations) (128 total citations)
- Klein, R., Posselt, B., Schreyer, K., Forbrich, J. & Henning, Th.
"A Millimeter Continuum Survey for Massive Protoclusters in the Outer Galaxy"
ApJS, 161, 361 (34 refereed citations) (48 total citations)
- Knudsen, K. K. & 9 authors
"Submillimeter Observations of Distant Red Galaxies: Uncovering the 1 mJy 850 mum Population"
ApJ, 632, 9 (32 refereed citations) (33 total citations)
- Kramer, C. & 7 authors
"Photon dominated regions in the spiral arms of M 83 and M 51"
A&A, 441, 961 (29 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
- Lindfors, E. J., Valtaoja, E. & Türler, M.
"SSC mechanism in the gamma-ray blazar 3C 279"
A&A, 440, 845 (16 refereed citations) (22 total citations)
- Mainieri, V. & 8 authors
"Submillimetre detection of a high-redshift type 2 QSO"
MNRAS, 356, 1571 (25 refereed citations) (28 total citations)
- Maret, S. & 7 authors
"CH3OH abundance in low mass protostars"
A&A, 442, 527 (55 refereed citations) (59 total citations)
- Marsden, Gaelen, Borys, Colin, Chapman, Scott C., Halpern, Mark & Scott, Douglas
"An upper limit to [CII] emission in a z~= 5 galaxy"
MNRAS, 359, 43 (6 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Marten, A., Matthews, H. E., Owen, T., Moreno, R., Hidayat, T. & Biraud, Y.
"Improved constraints on Neptune's atmosphere from submillimetre-wavelength observations"
A&A, 429, 1097 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
- Massi, F., Codella, C., Brand, J., Di Fabrizio, L. & Wouterloot, J.
"Outflows and jets from low mass protostars in Bok globules: the case of CB230"
MmSAI, 76, 400 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations)
- Matsuura, M., Zijlstra, A. A., Molster, F. J., Waters, L. B. F. M., Nomura, H., Sahai, R. & Hoare, M. G.
"The dark lane of the planetary nebula NGC 6302*&dagger"
MNRAS, 359, 383 (23 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
- Meech, K. J. & 208 authors
"Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide Earth-Based Campaign"
Sci, 310, 265 (118 refereed citations) (127 total citations)
- Meijerink, R., Tilanus, R. P. J., Dullemond, C. P., Israel, F. P. & van der Werf, P. P.
"A submillimeter exponential disk in M 51: Evidence for an extended cold dust disk"
A&A, 430, 427 (29 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
- Minier, V. & 7 authors
"Star-forming protoclusters associated with methanol masers"
A&A, 429, 945 (60 refereed citations) (77 total citations)
- Mortier, A. M. J. & 77 authors
"The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey - I. Survey motivation, design and data processing"
MNRAS, 363, 563 (62 refereed citations) (74 total citations)
- Najita, Joan & Williams, Jonathan P.
"An 850 mum Survey for Dust around Solar-Mass Stars"
ApJ, 635, 625 (49 refereed citations) (56 total citations)
- Nutter, David J., Ward-Thompson, D. & André, P.
"The pre-stellar and protostellar population of R Coronae Australis"
MNRAS, 357, 975 (28 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
- Ormel, C. W., Shipman, R. F., Ossenkopf, V. & Helmich, F. P.
"The modelling of infrared dark cloud cores"
A&A, 439, 613 (23 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
- Papadopoulos, Padeli P.
"A Search for C I J = 2-1 Emission in IRAS F10214+4724"
ApJ, 623, 763 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations)
[RxA ]
- Parise, B. & 14 authors
"HDO abundance in the envelope of the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422"
A&A, 431, 547 (47 refereed citations) (50 total citations)
- Pontoppidan, Klaus M. & 7 authors
"Ices in the Edge-on Disk CRBR 2422.8-3423: Spitzer Spectroscopy and Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Modeling"
ApJ, 622, 463 (66 refereed citations) (77 total citations)
- Pope, Alexandra, Borys, Colin, Scott, Douglas, Conselice, Christopher, Dickinson, Mark & Mobasher, Bahram
"The Hubble Deep Field North SCUBA Super-map - III. Optical and near-infrared properties of submillimetre galaxies"
MNRAS, 358, 149 (105 refereed citations) (128 total citations)
- Rathborne, J. M., Jackson, J. M., Chambers, E. T., Simon, R., Shipman, R. & Frieswijk, W.
"Massive Protostars in the Infrared Dark Cloud MSXDC G034.43+00.24"
ApJ, 630, 181 (68 refereed citations) (77 total citations)
- Reid, Michael A. & Wilson, Christine D.
"High-Mass Star Formation. I. The Mass Distribution of Submillimeter Clumps in NGC 7538"
ApJ, 625, 891 (58 refereed citations) (66 total citations)
- Sandell, Göran, Goss, W. M. & Wright, Melvyn
"Protostars and Outflows in the NGC 7538 IRS 9 Cloud Core"
ApJ, 621, 839 (18 refereed citations) (19 total citations)
- Sandor, Brad J. & Clancy, R. Todd
"Water vapor variations in the Venus mesosphere from microwave spectra"
Icar, 177, 129 (21 refereed citations) (21 total citations)
- Sawicki, Marcin & Webb, T. M. A.
"A SCUBA Map in the Spitzer First Look Survey: Source Catalog and Number Counts"
ApJ, 618, 67 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
- Schnee, S. & Goodman, A.
"Density and Temperature Structure of TMC-1C from 450 and 850 Micron Maps"
ApJ, 624, 254 (24 refereed citations) (25 total citations)
- Schöier, F. L., Lindqvist, M. & Olofsson, H.
"Properties of detached shells around carbon stars. Evidence of interacting winds"
A&A, 436, 633 (31 refereed citations) (37 total citations)
- Serjeant, Stephen & Harrison, Diana
"The local submillimetre luminosity functions and predictions from Spitzer to Herschel"
MNRAS, 356, 192 (30 refereed citations) (36 total citations)
- Shirley, Yancy L., Nordhaus, Miranda K., Grcevich, Jana M., Evans, Neal J., II, Rawlings, Jonathan M. C. & Tatematsu, Ken'ichi
"Modeling the Physical Structure of the Low-Density Pre-Protostellar Core Lynds 1498"
ApJ, 632, 982 (39 refereed citations) (43 total citations)
- Smith, I. A. & 9 authors
"SCUBA sub-millimeter observations of gamma-ray bursts. IV. GRB 021004, 021211, 030115, 030226, 041006"
A&A, 439, 987 (16 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
- Smith, I. A., Tilanus, R. P. J., Tanvir, N., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Vreeswijk, P., Rol, E. & Kouveliotou, C.
"SCUBA sub-millimeter observations of gamma-ray bursts. III. GRB 030329: the brightest sub-millimeter afterglow to date"
A&A, 439, 981 (8 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
- Stevens, J. A., Amure, M. & Gear, W. K.
"Dust in spiral galaxies: global properties"
MNRAS, 357, 361 (36 refereed citations) (38 total citations)
- Stevens, J. A., Page, M. J., Ivison, R. J., Carrera, F. J., Mittaz, J. P. D., Smail, Ian & McHardy, I. M.
"Submillimetre photometry of X-ray absorbed quasi-stellar objects: their formation and evolutionary status"
MNRAS, 360, 610 (48 refereed citations) (58 total citations)
- Stäuber, P., Doty, S. D., van Dishoeck, E. F. & Benz, A. O.
"X-ray chemistry in the envelopes around young stellar objects"
A&A, 440, 949 (54 refereed citations) (62 total citations)
- Vallée, Jacques P. & Fiege, Jason D.
"A Cool Magnetized Shell Wrapped around the Hot H II Region S106: Geometry, Kinematics, Magnetic Vectors, and Pressure Balance"
ApJ, 627, 263 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
[RxB ]
- Vlahakis, Catherine, Dunne, Loretta & Eales, Stephen
"The SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey - III. Dust along the Hubble sequence"
MNRAS, 364, 1253 (51 refereed citations) (57 total citations)
- Walawender, Josh, Bally, John, Kirk, Helen & Johnstone, Doug
"Multiple Outflows and Protostars in Barnard 1"
AJ, 130, 1795 (21 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Ward-Thompson, D. & 21 authors
"First ground-based 200-mum observing with THUMPER on JCMT - sky characterization and planet maps"
MNRAS, 364, 843 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations)
- Ward-Thompson, D., Hartmann, L. & Nutter, D. J.
"Turbulence in Class 0 and I protostellar envelopes"
MNRAS, 357, 687 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations)
- Webb, T. M. A., Yee, H. K. C., Ivison, R. J., Hoekstra, H., Gladders, M. D., Barrientos, L. F. & Hsieh, B. C.
"Submillimeter Imaging of RCS J022434-0002.5: Intense Activity in a High-Redshift Cluster?"
ApJ, 631, 187 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
- Weferling, B.
"Millimetre and submillimetre tau relations"
MNRAS, 362, 263 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations)
- Williams, S. J., Fuller, G. A. & Sridharan, T. K.
"The circumstellar environments of high-mass protostellar objects. II. Dust continuum models"
A&A, 434, 257 (27 refereed citations) (30 total citations)
- Wilson, T. L. & Batrla, W.
"An alternate estimate of the mass of dust in Cassiopeia A"
A&A, 430, 561 (27 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
- Wouterloot, J. G. A., Brand, J. & Henkel, C.
"The interstellar C18O/C17O ratio in the solar neighbourhood: The rho Ophiuchus cloud"
A&A, 430, 549 (16 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
- Wu, Yuefang, Zhu, Ming, Wei, Yue, Xu, Dandan, Zhang, Qizhou & Fiege, Jason D.
"The Discovery of a Massive SCUBA Core with both Inflow and Outflow Motions"
ApJ, 628, 57 (19 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
- Wyatt, M. C., Greaves, J. S., Dent, W. R. F. & Coulson, I. M.
"Submillimeter Images of a Dusty Kuiper Belt around eta Corvi"
ApJ, 620, 492 (53 refereed citations) (63 total citations)
- Zemcov, Michael, Halpern, Mark & Pierpaoli, Elena
"An analysis of optical pick-up in SCUBA data"
MNRAS, 359, 447 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations)
- de Ruyter, S., van Winckel, H., Dominik, C., Waters, L. B. F. M. & Dejonghe, H.
"Strong dust processing in circumstellar discs around 6 RV Tauri stars. Are dusty RV Tauri stars all binaries?"
A&A, 435, 161 (26 refereed citations) (36 total citations)
- van Kampen, Eelco & 11 authors
"The extragalactic submillimetre population: predictions for the SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES)"
MNRAS, 359, 469 (24 refereed citations) (33 total citations)
Total number of refereed citations: 4162
Total number of citations: 4887