JCMT refereed publication list for 2008
No. of Articles: 77 (last updated 29 Apr 2014)
- Allen, Thomas S. & 9 authors
Near-Infrared, and Submillimeter Imaging of the Relatively
Sparse Young Cluster, Lynds 988e"
ApJ, 675, 491 (7 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Anathpindika, S. & Whitworth, A. P.
direction of outflows from filaments: constraints on core
A&A, 487, 605 (10 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Andrews, Sean M. & Williams, Jonathan P.
submillimeter view of protoplanetary dust disks"
Ap&SS, 313, 119 (2 refereed citations) (3 total citations)
- Andrews, Sean M., Liu, Michael C., Williams, Jonathan P. &
Allers, K. N.
Observations of the Young Low-Mass Object IRAS 04158+2805"
ApJ, 685, 1039 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations)
- Bayet, E., Lintott, C., Viti, S., Martín-Pintado, J., Martín,
S., Williams, D. A. & Rawlings, J. M. C.
High-Density Gas in M82 and NGC 4038"
ApJ, 685, 35 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Bockelée-Morvan, D. & 17 authors
Excess of Heavy Nitrogen in Both Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanogen
from Comet 17P/Holmes"
ApJ, 679, 49 (43 refereed citations) (52 total citations)
- Bouy, H. & 17 authors
and compositional properties of brown dwarf disks: the case of
2MASS J04442713+2512164"
A&A, 486, 877 (27 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
- Capak, Peter & 24 authors
Confirmation of an Extreme Starburst at Redshift 4.547"
ApJ, 681, 53 (67 refereed citations) (79 total citations)
- Carolan, P. B., Redman, M. P., Keto, E. & Rawlings, J. M.
abundances in a protostellar cloud: freeze-out and desorption
in the envelope and outflow of L483"
MNRAS, 383, 705 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Chakrabarti, Sukanya, Fenner, Yeshe, Cox, T. J., Hernquist,
Lars & Whitney, Barbara A.
Evolutionary Model For Submillimeter Galaxies"
ApJ, 688, 972 (26 refereed citations) (33 total citations)
- Chapman, S. C. & 12 authors
CO Observations of Submillimeter-faint, Radio-selected
Starburst Galaxies at z ~ 2"
ApJ, 689, 889 (24 refereed citations) (28 total citations)
- Chen, Xuepeng, Launhardt, Ralf, Bourke, Tyler L., Henning,
Thomas & Barnes, Peter J.
and Spitzer Observations of the Binary Protostellar Systems CG
30 and BHR 71"
ApJ, 683, 862 (27 refereed citations) (30 total citations)
- Clancy, R. T., Sandor, B. J. & Moriarty-Schieven, G. H.
upper atmospheric CO, temperature, and winds across the
afternoon/evening terminator from June 2007 JCMT
sub-millimeter line observations"
P&SS, 56, 1344 (20 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Clements, D. L. & 48 authors
SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VIII. The
nature of faint submillimetre galaxies in SHADES, SWIRE and
SXDF surveys"
MNRAS, 387, 247 (47 refereed citations) (55 total citations)
- Coppin, Kristen & 26 authors
SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey - VI. 350-mum mapping
of submillimetre galaxies"
MNRAS, 384, 1597 (75 refereed citations) (87 total citations)
- Decin, L., Blomme, L., Reyniers, M., Ryde, N., Hinkle, K. H.
& de Koter, A.
the mass-loss history of the unusual Mira variable R Hydrae
through its infrared CO wind"
A&A, 484, 401 (4 refereed citations) (4 total citations)
- Decin, L., Cherchneff, I., Hony, S., Dehaes, S., De Breuck, C.
& Menten, K. M.
of ``parent'' molecules from the inner wind of AGB stars as
tracers of non-equilibrium chemistry"
A&A, 480, 431 (15 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
- Di Francesco, James, Johnstone, Doug, Kirk, Helen, MacKenzie,
Todd & Ledwosinska, Elizabeth
SCUBA Legacy Catalogues: Submillimeter-Continuum Objects
Detected by SCUBA"
ApJS, 175, 277 (155 refereed citations) (159 total citations)
- Dinh-V-Trung, Bujarrabal, ValentÍn, Castro-Carrizo, Arancha,
Lim, Jeremy & Kwok, Sun
Expanding Torus and Fast Outflow in Planetary Nebula NGC 6302"
ApJ, 673, 934 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
- Doeleman, Sheperd S. & 27 authors
structure in the supermassive black hole candidate at the
Galactic Centre"
Natur, 455, 78 (141 refereed citations) (186 total citations)
- Dudley, C. C., Imanishi, M. & Maloney, P. R.
Emission and the Redshifts of Submillimeter Sources"
ApJ, 686, 251 [SCUBA]
- Dye, S. & 23 authors
SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VII.
Optical/IR photometry and stellar masses of submillimetre
MNRAS, 386, 1107 (56 refereed citations) (68 total citations)
- Fuente, A. & 10 authors
the chemistry and distribution of HOC+ in M 82. More evidence
for extensive PDRs"
A&A, 492, 675 (16 refereed citations) (18 total citations)
- Fuhrmann, L. & 24 authors
the inverse-Compton catastrophe scenario in the intra-day
variable blazar S5 0716+71. III. Rapid and correlated flux
density variability from radio to sub-mm bands"
A&A, 490, 1019 (40 refereed citations) (48 total citations)
- Greve, Thomas R., Pope, Alexandra, Scott, Douglas, Ivison, Rob
J., Borys, Colin, Conselice, Christopher J. & Bertoldi,
1200-mum MAMBO survey of the GOODS-N field: a significant
population of submillimetre dropout galaxies"
MNRAS, 389, 1489 (56 refereed citations) (64 total citations)
- Gurney, M., Plume, R. & Johnstone, D.
Tracers of Embedded Star Formation in Ophiuchus"
PASP, 120, 1193 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations)
- Gutermuth, R. A. & 8 authors
Observations of NGC 1333: A Study of Structure and Evolution
in a Nearby Embedded Cluster"
ApJ, 674, 336 (162 refereed citations) (171 total citations)
- Hatchell, J. & Fuller, G. A.
formation in Perseus. IV. Mass-dependent evolution of dense
A&A, 482, 855 (32 refereed citations) (40 total citations)
- Hennemann, M., Birkmann, S. M., Krause, O. & Lemke, D.
infrared-submillimeter study of starforming regions selected
by the ISOSS 170 mum survey"
A&A, 485, 753 (4 refereed citations) (5 total citations)
- Hunter, T. R., Brogan, C. L., Indebetouw, R. & Cyganowski,
C. J.
Submillimeter Imaging of the Ultracompact H II Region
ApJ, 680, 1271 (30 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
- Israel, F. P., Raban, D., Booth, R. S. & Rantakyrö, F. T.
millimeter-wave continuum spectrum of Centaurus A and its
A&A, 483, 741 (15 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
- Ivison, R. J. & 8 authors
imaging of the high-redshift radio galaxy, 4C60.07: an SMA,
Spitzer and VLA study reveals a binary AGN/starburst"
MNRAS, 390, 1117 (31 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
- Jewitt, David, Garland, Catherine A. & Aussel, Herve
Search for Carbon Monoxide in Cometary Precursors Using
Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy"
AJ, 135, 400 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
[RXA ]
- Jørgensen, Jes K., Johnstone, Doug, Kirk, Helen, Myers, Philip
C., Allen, Lori E. & Shirley, Yancy L.
Star Formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus Molecular Clouds:
Constraints and Comparisons from Unbiased Submillimeter and
Mid-Infrared Surveys. II."
ApJ, 683, 822 (67 refereed citations) (71 total citations)
- Kastner, J. H., Zuckerman, B. & Forveille, T.
in the circumstellar disk orbiting BP Piscium"
A&A, 486, 239 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Kerton, C. R., Arvidsson, K., Knee, Lewis B. G. & Brunt,
and spontaneous star formation around the mid-infrared halo
HII region KR 140"
MNRAS, 385, 995 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Klaassen, P. D. & Wilson, C. D.
and Infall in a Sample of Massive Star Forming Regions. II.
Large-Scale Kinematics"
ApJ, 684, 1273 (15 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
- Knudsen, K. K., van der Werf, P. P. & Kneib, J.-P.
the submillimetre number counts at f850mum < 2mJy"
MNRAS, 384, 1611 (63 refereed citations) (70 total citations)
- Lefèvre, Franck & 8 authors
chemistry in the atmosphere of Mars"
Natur, 454, 971 (26 refereed citations) (28 total citations)
[RXB ]
- Maercker, M., Schöier, F. L., Olofsson, H., Bergman, P. &
Ramstedt, S.
water vapour in M-type AGB stars: radiative transfer models,
abundances, and predictions for HIFI"
A&A, 479, 779 (25 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
- Matthews, Henry E., McCutcheon, William H., Kirk, Helen,
White, Glenn J. & Cohen, Martin
Distribution and Properties of Cold Dust in NGC 6334"
AJ, 136, 2083 (7 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
- Molinari, S., Faustini, F., Testi, L., Pezzuto, S., Cesaroni,
R. & Brand, J.
pre-ZAMS nature of Mol160/IRAS 23385+6053 confirmed by Spitzer"
A&A, 487, 1119 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
- Molinari, S., Pezzuto, S., Cesaroni, R., Brand, J., Faustini,
F. & Testi, L.
evolution of the spectral energy distribution in massive young
stellar objects"
A&A, 481, 345 (52 refereed citations) (63 total citations)
- Morgan, L. K., Thompson, M. A., Urquhart, J. S. & White,
G. J.
SCUBA survey of bright-rimmed clouds"
A&A, 477, 557 (24 refereed citations) (27 total citations)
- Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald H., Aspin, Colin & Davis, Gary
Local Environment of the FU-Orionis-Like Objects AR 6A and 6B"
AJ, 136, 1658 (1 refereed citations) (2 total citations)
- Narayanan, Desika, Cox, Thomas J. & Hernquist, Lars
Star Formation Rate-Dense Gas Relation in the Nuclei of Nearby
ApJ, 681, 77 (9 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
- Nutter, D., Kirk, J. M., Stamatellos, D. & Ward-Thompson,
and Spitzer observations of the Taurus molecular cloud -
pulling the bull's tail"
MNRAS, 384, 755 (24 refereed citations) (25 total citations)
- Papadopoulos, P. P., Kovacs, A., Evans, A. S. & Barthel,
molecular gas in local luminous AGN hosts"
A&A, 491, 483 (20 refereed citations) (22 total citations)
- Perera, T. A. & 19 authors
AzTEC 1.1mm survey of the GOODS-N field - I. Maps, catalogue
and source statistics"
MNRAS, 391, 1227 (72 refereed citations) (83 total citations)
- Pope, Alexandra & 14 authors
Nature of Faint Spitzer-selected Dust-obscured Galaxies"
ApJ, 689, 127 (60 refereed citations) (66 total citations)
- Priddey, R. S., Ivison, R. J. & Isaak, K. G.
of z > 5 quasars: searching for protoclusters at
submillimetre wavelengths"
MNRAS, 383, 289 (23 refereed citations) (26 total citations)
- Ramstedt, S., Schöier, F. L., Olofsson, H. & Lundgren, A.
the reliability of mass-loss-rate estimates for AGB stars"
A&A, 487, 645 (38 refereed citations) (42 total citations)
- Rathborne, J. M., Jackson, J. M., Zhang, Q. & Simon, R.
Array Observations of Infrared Dark Clouds: A Tale of Two
ApJ, 689, 1141 (38 refereed citations) (40 total citations)
- Righi, M., Hernández-Monteagudo, C. & Sunyaev, R. A.
clustering of merging star-forming haloes: dust emission as
high frequency arcminute CMB foreground"
A&A, 478, 685 (20 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
- Scott, K. S. & 12 authors
millimetre survey of the COSMOS field - I. Data reduction and
source catalogue"
MNRAS, 385, 2225 (89 refereed citations) (105 total citations)
- Serjeant, S. & 20 authors
SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - IX. The
environment, mass and redshift dependence of star formation"
MNRAS, 386, 1907 (34 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
- Seymour, N. & 10 authors
Spectra of High-Redshift (z > 2) Radio Galaxies"
ApJ, 681, 1 (20 refereed citations) (24 total citations)
- Simpson, R. J., Nutter, D. & Ward-Thompson, D.
initial conditions of star formation - VIII. An observational
study of the Ophiuchus cloud L1688 and implications for the
pre-stellar core mass function"
MNRAS, 391, 205 (35 refereed citations) (37 total citations)
- Soldi, S. & 13 authors
multiwavelength variability of 3C 273"
A&A, 486, 411 (41 refereed citations) (51 total citations)
- Swinbank, A. M. & 10 authors
properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models"
MNRAS, 391, 420 (68 refereed citations) (74 total citations)
- Takagi, Toshinobu, Ono, Yoshiaki, Shimasaku, Kazuhiro &
Hanami, Hitoshi
close relationship at z ~ 2: submillimetre galaxies and
BzK-selected galaxies"
MNRAS, 389, 775 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations)
- Thomas, H. S. & Fuller, G. A.
circumstellar environment of high-mass protostellar objects.
IV. C17O observations and depletion"
A&A, 479, 751 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Urquhart, J. S. & 11 authors
RMS survey. 13CO observations of candidate massive YSOs in the
northern Galactic plane"
A&A, 487, 253 (38 refereed citations) (42 total citations)
[RXA ]
- Wall, J. V., Pope, Alexandra & Scott, Douglas
evolution of submillimetre galaxies: two populations and a
redshift cut-off"
MNRAS, 383, 435 (39 refereed citations) (43 total citations)
- Wang, Mei-Yan, Hasegawa, Tatsuhiko I. & Kwok, Sun
Detection of a Molecular Bipolar Flow in the Multipolar
Planetary Nebula NGC 2440"
ApJ, 673, 264 (4 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Wang, Shiya, Looney, Leslie W., Brandner, Wolfgang &
Close, Laird M.
Molecular Gas in a Young Cluster around MWC 1080: Rule of the
Massive Star"
ApJ, 673, 315 (8 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Watanabe, Tomomi & Mitchell, George F.
Dense Molecular Ridge in NGC 2024"
AJ, 136, 1947 (7 refereed citations) (7 total citations)
- Weintroub, Jonathan
submillimeter VLBI array"
JPhCS, 131, 2047 (2 refereed citations) (6 total citations)
- Wilson, Christine D. & 16 authors
Infrared Galaxies with the Submillimeter Array. I. Survey
Overview and the Central Gas to Dust Ratio"
ApJS, 178, 189 (55 refereed citations) (63 total citations)
- Wilson, G. W. & 15 authors
AzTEC mm-wavelength camera"
MNRAS, 386, 807 (75 refereed citations) (91 total citations)
- Wouterloot, J. G. A., Henkel, C., Brand, J. & Davis, G. R.
interstellar 18O/{^17}O ratios - a radial gradient?"
A&A, 487, 237 (16 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
- Xue, Rui & Wu, Yuefang
Multiwavelength Study of the Massive Star-forming Region S87"
ApJ, 680, 446 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)
- Yeh, Sherry C. C., Hirano, Naomi, Bourke, Tyler L., Ho, Paul
T. P., Lee, Chin-Fei, Ohashi, Nagayoshi & Takakuwa,
CO Molecular Outflows of IRAS 16293-2422 Probed by the
Submillimeter Array"
ApJ, 675, 454 (12 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
- Zuckerman, B. & 17 authors
and Dust Associated with the Strange, Isolated Star BP Piscium"
ApJ, 683, 1085 (15 refereed citations) (18 total citations)
[RXB ]
- da Cunha, Elisabete, Charlot, Stéphane & Elbaz, David
simple model to interpret the ultraviolet, optical and
infrared emission from galaxies"
MNRAS, 388, 1595 (128 refereed citations) (159 total citations)
- van der Tak, F. F. S., Aalto, S. & Meijerink, R.
of extragalactic H_3O^+"
A&A, 477, 5 (17 refereed citations) (21 total citations)
- van der Wiel, M. H. D. & Shipman, R. F.
star formation activity in infrared dark cloud MSXDC
A&A, 490, 655 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations)
Total number of refereed citations: 2517
Total number of citations: 2887