# Name:
# cubecopy
# Purpose:
# Copies a cube created by SMURF:MAKECUBE, updating the MEDTSYS, EXP_TIME
# and EFF_TIME FITS headers in the process.
# Description:
# This script uses NDFCOPY to copy the supplied cube (normally a cube
# section) to a new location. It modifies the bounds of the EFF_TIME,
# EXP_TIME and TSYS NDFs stored within the SMURF extension to match
# the main cube NDF. It also recalculates and stores values for the
# corresponding FITS headers (MEDTSYS, EXP_TIME and EXP_TIME) that
# hold the median values in these NDFs.
# Usage:
# cubecopy
# Notes:
# - The input and output cubes will be prompted for if not supplied on
# the command line.
# Authors:
# DSB: David S. Berry (JAC)
# History:
# 27-FEB-1991 (RFWS):
# Original version.
# Get the input NDF.
if( $# == 0 ) then
set def = `$KAPPA_DIR/parget data_array GLOBAL`
echo -n "Input MAKECUBE cube /$def/ > "
set in = $<
if( "$in" == "" ) then
set in = $def
else if( "$in" == "\!" || "$in" == "\!\!" ) then
echo ""
set in = "$argv[1]"
# Check the input NDF is accessable.
$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace $in quiet << EOF > ./copycube-001.tmp
grep -q PAR__ABORT ./copycube-001.tmp
set err = $status
rm -f ./copycube-001.tmp
if( $err == 0 ) then
echo "CUBECOPY: Cannot access input NDF $in."
echo ""
# Check it is a cube created by MAKECUBE.
$KAPPA_DIR/parget extname ndftrace | grep SMURF > /dev/null
if( $status != 0 ) then
echo "CUBECOPY: Input NDF $in does not have a SMURF extension."
echo ""
# Get the output NDF.
if( $# < 1 ) then
echo -n "Output cube > "
set out = $<
if( "$out" == "" || "$out" == "\!" || "$out" == "\!\!" ) then
echo ""
set out = "$argv[1]"
# Warn about unused parameters.
if( $# > 0 ) then
echo "Usage: cubecopy "
echo "Ignoring extra supplied parameter values: $*"
# Copy the cube to the new location. Set the EXTEN parameter true so that
# extension NDFs are truncated to the size of the main output NDF.
$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in="$in" out="$out" exten
# Calculate the median value in the output TSYS array.
$KAPPA_DIR/histat "$out.more.smurf.tsys" > /dev/null
set medtsys = `$KAPPA_DIR/parget median histat`
# Change the value of the MEDTSYS FITS header.
set old_medtsys = `$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod "$out" MEDTSYS p`
echo "Changing MEDTSYS from $old_medtsys to $medtsys"
$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod "$out" MEDTSYS u value=$medtsys comment='$C' position=\!
# Calculate the median value in the output EFF_TIME array.
$KAPPA_DIR/histat "$out.more.smurf.eff_time" > /dev/null
set eff_time = `$KAPPA_DIR/parget median histat`
# Change the value of the EFF_TIME FITS header.
set old_eff_time = `$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod "$out" EFF_TIME p`
echo "Changing EFF_TIME from $old_eff_time to $eff_time"
$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod "$out" EFF_TIME u value=$eff_time comment='$C' position=\!
# Calculate the median value in the output EXP_TIME array.
$KAPPA_DIR/histat "$out.more.smurf.exp_time" > /dev/null
set exp_time = `$KAPPA_DIR/parget median histat`
# Change the value of the EXP_TIME FITS header.
set old_exp_time = `$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod "$out" EXP_TIME p`
echo "Changing EXP_TIME from $old_exp_time to $exp_time"
$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod "$out" EXP_TIME u value=$exp_time comment='$C' position=\!