Preparing justification files

Hedwig accepts science and technical justification files in PDF form or as plain text written directly into the proposal website. To include formatting, tables, typeset equations or to maintain maximum control over your page layouts, we recommend that you generate your cases as PDF files first and then upload them individually.

PDF Generation


Generally you should be able to generate a PDF file directly. For example, when using LaTeX, with the pdflatex command.

Alternatively if the document is saved as a PostScript file (usually generated by either the “Print to File”-type options available under most word processors, or dvips filename > when using LaTeX), then the command ps2pdf filename should produce a suitable PDF file.

Mac OS X

This should be trivial, as Mac OS X natively supports PDFs, and includes a “Print to PDF” option at the OS level for all applications.  LaTeX document preparation environments on Macs, such as TeXShop, automatically generate a PDF file for on-screen viewing purposes.


Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007 also have native PDF support, as does  Earlier versions of MS Windows and MS Office usually require a third-party software solution. A quick web search for “Windows PDF generation” should provide links to a number of possible options, commercial and free (in both senses).


If you are using LaTeX to prepare your science and technical cases, then you could use the following as a template:

% Example LaTeX commands to generate a Hedwig justification PDF file.
% Select US Letter paper and 12pt text (to be easily readable in Hedwig's PDF
% preview images).
% Choose a darker font than the default, for easier reading in Hedwig's PDF
% preview images.
% Remove page numbers.

Note that the above \documentclass parameters will ensure 12-point text and the use of the U.S. Letter paper size.

Once your document is correctly prepared, on most UNIX-based machines, the following should produce a usable PDF file from the LaTeX file foo.tex:

pdflatex foo.tex

This should produce a file called foo.pdf which may be uploaded to Hedwig. You should ensure that the resultant file does not exceed the page limit, or it will be rejected by the submission system. When you upload PDF files to Hedwig, they will initially be shown as “Not yet processed” — do not worry, this is normal! Some time later (perhaps about one minute), you should be able to reload the page and see an updated status. Preview images of the pages of your PDF file will then appear in your proposal. Please ensure that the document and all its figures are easily readable in the preview image, using larger fonts or figures if necessary. If instead you see the message “The uploaded PDF file could not be processed” or “Error during processing” then your file was originally accepted but the system was unable to fully process it. If this happens, please check that your PDF file is valid, and contact us for assistance if the problem persists.

For the scientific justification, you will probably wish to include figures and references. We suggest the use of the graphicx package, as in the following example:

% Example LaTeX commands to generate a Hedwig justification PDF file.
% Select US Letter paper and 12pt text (to be easily readable in Hedwig's PDF
% preview images).
% Choose a darker font than the default, for easier reading in Hedwig's PDF
% preview images.
% Remove page numbers.
% Usage of references: \cite{ref1} \cite{ref2} \cite{ref3}

% \vspace*{0.5in}
% \includegraphics[angle=0,width=5in]{plot.pdf} \\
% {\bf Figure 1} Figure caption text goes here.

% \vspace*{0.5in}
% \includegraphics[angle=0,width=5in]{plot.png} \\
% {\bf Figure 2} Figure caption text goes here.

\bibitem{ref1} Author, 1., Author, 2., Author, 3., 2012 MNRAS {\bf vol}, nnn.
\bibitem{ref2} Author, 4., Author, 5., Author, 6., 2014 ApJ {\bf vol}, nnn.
\bibitem{ref3} Author, 7., Author, 8., Author, 8., 2012 A\&A {\bf vol}, nnn.

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