SCUBA-2 Calibration Database

Welcome to the JCMT SCUBA-2 calibration database. This database exists to help JCMT users easily identify calibrations that were taken on nights where they had data taken. It allows searching either by date or by entering a project from the drop-down menus, and the results can be filtered by target and tau at 225 GHz. Graphs of either arcsecond or peak FCFs can also be generated by selecting the appropriate option. Mousing over any of the question marks will pop-up a short help message.

Dates Start Date or Single Date (UT)
Entering a single date here will return results from that date only. Selecting a project code from the next section will override any dates entered and cause them to be ignored. Dates may be entered in either yyyymmdd or yyyy-mm-dd format.

End Date, Optional (UT)
An entry here is only needed if you want to search a range of dates; if you are merely interested in a single date, you only need to fill in the first box. Entering a date here will define the end of an inclusive range (with the Start Date) from which results will be returned. Selecting a project code from the next section will override any dates entered and cause them to be ignored. Entering a date here without a Start Date will result in an error. Dates may be entered in either yyyymmdd or yyyy-mm-dd format.

Project Code
Selecting a semester from the left drop-down box and a project code from the right drop-down box will return a list of the calibrations from all nights the project was observed. Selecting a project here will override any dates entered in the "Dates" section.
Tau225 GHz Range
Min Tau
Setting a limit here will exclude calibrations taken with a tau (at 225 GHz) lower than or equal to the limit. Defaults to 0 if nothing is entered.
Max Tau
Setting a limit here will exclude calibrations taken with a tau (at 225 GHz) higher than or equal to the limit. Defaults to 0.5 if nothing is entered. Note: 0.32 is the upper limit of band 5 weather, and there are extremely few calibrations taken with a higher tau.
Calibrators Uranus
CRL 2688
CRL 618
Arp 220
Graphing Options Generate graph of results
y-min y-max
450 µm
850 µm
Arcsec FCFs
This will generate a graph of the arcsecond FCF values.

Peak FCFs
This will generate a graph of the peak (or beam) FCF values.